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Dermal fillers are a fantastic way to anti-age your appearance, and they’re one of our most popular treatment choices here in Cardiff. Today, we’ll share some of their uses and benefits and reasons you might consider them for aesthetic enhancement.

All about dermal fillers

Before we begin, we’ll explain what dermal fillers are and how they work. Fillers are injections of hyaluronic acid, which is known for helping retain moisture in the skin. This gives it many applications, such as smoothing and volumising skin. Hyaluronic acid is actually a natural substance, so the body tolerates it well and reactions are rare, meaning most people over the age of 18 are able to undergo treatment.

Treatment areas for dermal fillers

There are many different areas of skin where fillers can be administered, but generally, they’re injected into areas of the face. These include:

  • The hollows of the cheeks and temples
  • The nose (non-surgical rhinoplasty, or refining the nose profile)
  • The lips (also referred to as lip filler treatment)
  • Lines and wrinkles on the lower half of the face

However, it’s worth mentioning that some lines and wrinkles need an alternative treatment, called anti-wrinkle injections.


The treatment is best known for its ability to smooth away lines and wrinkles, sculpt and volumise areas that have lost volume (such as the cheeks), and even target areas like a dimpled chin. Facial fillers are incredibly easy to administer and have long-lasting results. In some cases, injectable fillers can also be dissolved and it’s possible to have treatment top-ups too.


Of course, some results from dermal fillers could be achieved or replicated through alternative treatments. For example, wrinkles could be addressed through treatments such as chemical peels. With fillers, however, you get a whole wealth of benefits and it’s these that make them such a popular choice in Cardiff.

Risks and drawbacks

Every aesthetic treatment comes with an element of risk. Thankfully, fillers are a non-surgical treatment, which means there’s less chance of complications like infection, and your results will be long-lasting, but not permanent. However, injections of any kind come with the possibility of swelling, bruising and redness. That’s why we provide detailed aftercare for all our clients.

Book with Dr Kathryn today

Dr Kathryn would love to welcome you to Cardiff for a personal dermal fillers consultation. To enquire, give us a call on 07738 757508, contact us via our contact form, or alternatively, book a consultation via our online booking system. We look forward to hearing from you.